Some Of The Hardest Goodbyes

 Who would have thought that one of the hardest parts of leaving for this move would be to leave Coyote Creek Elementary.  I didn’t understand at first but then I remembered … DUH, I’ve been a ‘Coyote Creek Mom’ every year since 1996 (HOLY CRAP) 😉

‘THEE best Elementary School EVER’

The school year is over, new 2012/2013 PAC Elections are done and I’m sooooooo sad 🙁  However, there is a fabulous new PAC for the upcoming year 😉  Mona, I’m gonna miss working with you and wish I could have spent one more year and done ‘Chair’ for ‘ya, but … remember, now … ‘remote attendance’ could be a last resort 😉  heehee.  Many thanks to Mona, Jen, Mindy and Noreen for a great year.  Thanks to the rest of the committee and to everyone else who helped with the PAC this year. Parm & Bindy, I love you guys xoxo

Now Parm, where do I begin? (a fellow Coyote Creek mom since 1996, gotta tell ‘ya – I am really gonna miss your ‘no-nonsense’ attitude, straight sayin’ it like it is self.  No really, I AM 😉 You made me giggle for years and always brought a little sunshine to the day 🙂 xoxo

The “BC TEAM” (Mr. Berndt & Mr. Chin) – I don’t even know where to start.  You have been such an important part of my life for sooooooo many years and the impact you had on Brady, Ryleigh and Mack will forever stay with them AND me.  Although I’m sure there were many times they made you wanna pull your hair out 😉  ummm, yup, the evidence is visible (heehee) Truly though, words can’t express what you both mean to us.

                                                                                                     Mack w/ The “BC TEAM”

Mr. Stanger (better known in some parent circles as Mr. Cutie) – perhaps that wasn’t so appropriate BUT……if Parm says it, then it is so! 😛  Thanks for being such an awesome Principle.  Your way with kids is truly amazing and I only wish Mack had a few more years of your influence.  PS – thanks for the ladder rescue!

I would say ‘never mind people!!!!!’ however it is kinda’ funny … so here goes … I decided one day to play with the kids on the playground and climb on the monkey bars.  Getting up was easy … getting down … A COMPLETELY different story!  So imagine me, stuck at the top of the monkey bars, unable to get back down the way I got up because of the junk in my trunk sooooooooooooooo … Mack decides to go get Mr. Stanger and tell him ‘my mom is stuck on the monkey bars and needs help.  Gotta’ ladder?’ He, who talking a parent close by the playground reeeeeeeeeeeeeally did not seem too impressed (ya’ sorry about that Mr. S) 😉 but away he went, got the ladder and helped me down!!!!!  Now THAT’s school dedication! And no people, YA’ AIN’T GETTIN’ A PICTURE OF THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!  Picture it in your minds! 😉 Mack’s classmates gigglin’ every time I walked by for the next week was kinda’ cute though.

To Ms. Prokuda, Mrs. Norton, Ms. Michel, The ‘BC Team’ and Mr. Taylor (and all of the teachers Brady & Ryleigh had over the years)……thank-you.

                                                        Mack w/ all the teachers he’s had since kindergarten…and of course ‘Santa’

Mr. Taylor….thanks for a wonderful wonderful year.  We will NEVER forget the ‘strike days’, even as cold n’ wet as they were 😉  We miss you soooooo much already xoxo Thank-you for being so wonderful with Mack 🙂

                                                         Mack and Santa with the guys (Mr. Stanger, Mr. Berndt, Mr. Chin & Mr. Taylor)

Joan & Monica, thank-you.  I will miss seeing your beautiful faces everyday (although I’m sure u’r gonna love the break from mine) 😉 xoxo

                                                                                           The Coyote Creek Elementary ‘Willow’

Ahhhh, the Willow……what more needs to be said?

‘Coyote Creek Elementary’ will always be in my heart and I will miss ya’ll so much.

(If i missed anyone, my bad and I’m sorry)

uyvs ~ xox0 


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