My ‘Tazzy’ …

Dear Taz,
Mommy has been trying for quite some time to help you understand but it doesn’t seem to be happening so I figured if I wrote you a letter … then maybe … just maybe … you might get it 🙂 Our conversations haven’t been too eventful and when you look at me with that funny face I know it’s happening again…. the ‘Looney Tunes’ theme … 😉 I can hear it when I look into your eyes. (heehee)
So, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed the size difference between the RV bathroom and the bathrooms we used to have at the house … but there’s a big difference. My Taz, my wonderful BIG BIG AWKWARD Taz … when mommy goes into the bathroom, you can’t sneak in before I close the door! When mommy sits down to pee, there is absolutely no room for you in there – you get stuck – and you have to slooooooowly back out. Ummm, slightly uncomfortable 😉 (perhaps for both of us) Now, this does not mean that mommy doesn’t love you Tazzy, it just means that you can’t come in !! 🙂 🙂 (’cause you don’t fit) I’m soooo sorry my Tazzy boy.
I hope after our many unsuccessful conversations that this letter will help you understand 😉 (If not, come see me and we’ll try the conversation thing again) 😉
Mommy loves you xoxo
uyvs ~ xoxo♥
You better read your letter Taz and listen up.Big difference from 3 bathrooms to choose from for sure, Carrie you crack me up, always make me smile and laugh. Love you xoxoxoxox, Mommy
wonderful post, thank you.
nice site, all posts are very nice.
I believe I use to work with some people that have the same tune playing
‘Looney Tunes’ theme