New House Update November 18, 2012August 16, 2018 admin Share on facebookTweet on twitter Our FABULOUS work crew… We love you guys … for puttin’ up with us 😉 … You are all soooooo amazing (thanks for the pics Isis) ♥ We can’t wait to get there and see ya’ll xoxo uyvs ~ xoxo ♥
I saw the pictures, and it looks as if you’ll be ready to move in, in a couple of weeks, LOL Richard, congrats! Reply
Hot Dam! Awesome!!! You guys must be sooooo excited!
Hot Dam!!! Awesome, you guys must be sooo excited to be getting the pictures!!!
I saw the pictures, and it looks as if you’ll be ready to move in, in a couple of weeks, LOL
Richard, congrats!
The house looks like its gonna be HUGE!!