The ‘Carlsbad Caverns’

Carlsbad, New Mexico

So, for some of you who might not know, the ‘Carlsbad Caverns’ …

Carlsbad Cavern is one of over 300 limestone caves in a fossil reef laid down by an inland sea 250 to 280 million years ago. Twelve to fourteen thousand years ago, American Indians lived in the Guadalupe Mountains; some of their cooking ring sites and pictographs have been found within the present day boundaries of the park. By the 1500s,Spanish explorers were passing through present-day west Texas and southeastern New Mexico. Spain claimed the southwest until 1821 when Mexico revolted against her and claimed independence. Mexico, fighting the westward expansionist United States in the late 1840s, lost the southwest to the US. In 1850, New Mexico Territory was created, and for the next 30 years the cultural conflict between American Indians and the US government continued. Eddy, New Mexico, the future Carlsbad, was established in 1888 and New Mexico became a state in 1912.  ~ to learn more, go to

Beauty and Wonder ~ Above and Below

Rocky slopes and canyons, cactus, grass, thorny shrubs, and the occasional tree, who could guess at the hidden treasures deep underground? Beneath this rugged land are more than 117 known caves – all formed when sulfuric acid dissolved the surrounding limestone.

So we start our journey down (on a self guided tour) … not realizing until about 15 minutes down, I may have bitten off more than I can chew 😉  perhaps I shoulda’ paid more attention to the elevation …

Elevation: 3,599 feet (1,097 m)
Area: 73.07 sq miles (189.3 km²)

… who woulda thunk goin’ down woulda been harder than goin’ up???  Well, it was for me because of the knee surgery … and here I always thought walking down would be soooooo much easier … yup, I WAS WRONG !  Holy owies batman! 🙂

Here’s some pics of our almost 2 hour ‘walking down’ adventure …

So as you can see … definately an amazing place to go if you ever get the chance !!!  We had a great time (however I’m sure my legs, n’ thighs n’ ass won’t be working tooo well tomorrow 😉 )

Leaving the Caverns, we came cross some deer on the road …

So, even though exhausting … it was a fascinating day filled with rich history.  I highly recommend going to see these , if you can – you won’t be disappointed.  JUST TAKE BOTTLED WATER WITH YOU !!! 😉

uyvs ~ xoxo 


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