Just so ya’ll know (including Santa ;)) ~ we are in Galveston, TX for Christmas and New Years.
I’m looking out the front window and there … is the Gulf of Mexico (I CAN HEAR THE WAVES 🙂 🙂 🙂 ) Just across the street is the beach (’til New Years ~ WHOO HOO 😉 ) … SOOOOOOOO beautiful! The sun just went down and it is a beautiful evening … well, it will be once Les cooks us dinner and fills our bellies 😉
uyvs ~ xoxo ♥
Wow, a dream come true, the ocean just outside the door, (hey, you can go skinny-dippin)lol, and a nice morning and evening walk along the ocean, to die for! Have a great stay, take lots of pictures, I know Santa will find you! xoxoxoxoxo