Well, our first week here @ Paa Mul (www.paamul.com) has been awesome. Feelin’ sooooooooooooo much better than the last 4 weeks (still very tired though) …

Being here at the beach is magnificent. Not as hot as in the jungle as we get the constant ocean breeze. The staff here are absolutely wonderful !!!!!!!!!! Mack and I enjoy a few hours at the pool and beach everyday and this morning we went on a ‘treasure walk’ …… we went on a treasure hunt for ‘sea glass’ … 🙂 … and yup, my butterfly walked with us for almost an hour !!!!!!!
After a very rough start to the week with the death of the bestest Uncle ‘EVA, I’m starting to feel a little better. Being here listening to the ocean and watching the waves crash on the beach has been soothing to the soul.
uyvs ~ xoxo ♥