Having an RV, whether it’s a Travel Trailer, Camper, 5th Wheel or a Motor Home, you understand that lighting can play a huge part in the function. We have been living in our RV for 4 years (shhhh, don’t remind my wife – her patience is running low) 😉 and over that time we have come up with a number of improvements for our lighting needs.
Our RV is a 2009 so it came with regular lights. They are bright however for us, they tended to get very hot and we noticed they used a lot of power. We wanted to be able to dry camp as well as reduce the use of power when we were plugged into park power. So we started by changing out all of our lights (this took a number of experiments at first) but after trying a number of lights from several venders we finally found what worked best for us. We didn’t change any of our fixtures, we just simply changed out the bulbs for new LED’s.
We had few different type of fixture, one being a bright halogen style bulb, which we replaced using ..
We also have a number of other fixtures used in our storage compartments, closets, bunks, etc and so we replaced these ones with ..
So we have been using these lights for over a year and since we live in our RV full time (again, shhhh, please don’t remind my wife) 😉 and we have yet to replace any of the new LED’s. I was replacing the original bulbs several times a year prior to switching. So we have reduced our power consumption, we no longer have heat exuding from the lights and they are longer lasting – a positive experiment experience! I also just started adding accent lighting both inside and out of the RV. Recently I took down a couple of our valances and used the Bogao Flexible LED strip along the underside of the counter edge and under the awning. I found that these ones are perfect for inside as they are cool to the touch and do not get hot while in use (but I also have blue ones (the SUPERNIGHT to add under the RV for accent lighting). They make great night lights as well!
In order to add these lights we needed to add more switches so I have changed singles to doubles and doubles to triples ..
In order to match some other switches, I found the following, which are great because when we turn the lights on under the RV the switch lights up showing that they are on which is a fabulous reminder to turn them off when you come in for the night!
Now we also had a couple of galley lights that we could leave on at night so we replaced them with new LED lights and on these ones, I replaced the entire fixture since I found ones for very reasonable price ..
Over the last year we tried a number of products and although a number of them failed to live up to advertised expectations, we did come across the above items and all have been more than expected 🙂
Be creative and share your LED modes!