OCA’s latest CRAZEE adventure


Our latest adventure began with the idea of just going camping across the border into Washington for a few days.  Then came the days (AND DAYS) of cleaning, laundry and organizing the house to drive.  So late in the evening on July 1st we pulled out of the park and made it … wait for it … wait for it … OUTSIDE THE GATES!  The tow cable seemed to be working backwards so Les planted his butt on the ground and so began our awesome getaway!  By the time we hit the border (only 90 seconds away) the NEXUS lane was closed!  Yup, of course it was!  Arriving at our sleepstop (Tulalip Casino in Washington) around 3:30/4:00am I vaguely recalling citing ‘Now I lay me down to sleep and pray for those who wake me up’  🙂  As I lay sleeping ever so comfortably around 7am there were sudden loud bangs, pops, booms, etc exploding … and obviously … yup, I fell out of bed !!  I knew Canada Day was over and that we weren’t still in Canada and unless I had been asleep for 2 days it wasn’t July 4th yet so what the *%^# was going on?!  Well once I was tough enough to peek out the window, I see that my wonderful husband parked 50 feet from a FireWorks BOOTH 2 days before the FOURTH OF JULY !!!  Really Les?!  REALLY!? 


After leaving Tulalip we went into the Walmart next door and loaded the beast with groceries.  A small world it must be … as we ran into our dear friends from decades past!  Love you guys ♥  After a great visit (for the 2nd time in just as many weeks) we headed to Olympia to experience some American Heritage 🙂  HOWEVER .. because someone (I won’t mention any names) didn’t listen to me about where to park for a pitstop … this happened!


Yup, he didn’t listen … and this is how he spent his birthday 🙁  



Eventually, we arrived at American Heritage Campground in Olympia, WA ..



.. and entered a 25 acre forest!  Yes, 25 acres .. of forest!  Beautiful, peaceful, tranquil forest!  The boys set up everything outside and then went for a drive around the area while I set up everything inside and chilled with the furbabies listening to the squirrels and birds while watching the butterflies and dragonflies 

The next day the boys went into Lacey, WA to do the tourist thing and then went to see the celebrations that were happening.





 🙂 🙂 S’MORES ANYONE ??!!:) 🙂 



The morning of the 4th we left American Heritage Campground but not before these awesome guys set up a fantastic ‘RED WHITE and BLUE‘ photo op for the Fourth of July 🙂



So off we went and headed for Ferndale, WA where we stayed at The Cedars RV Resort.  Les wasn’t ready to go home yet so he commuted back and forth across the border for a few days so we could extend family time 🙂  


It’s been a loooooooooooong time since I’ve been this relaxed 



LAUNDRY !!!!!!!!!

Now let’s speak about laundry for a moment …


Are you kidding?!  

It was even relaxing to do the darn laundry !!


You gotta’ do this !!  Seriously !!  Pick a place, any place or just drive until you find one!  

Take a break!  Get back to nature!  Turn off the phones!!  Be at peace with nature!! And just breathe

Happy travels 🙂




Let us know about YOUR latest adventures 🙂 





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