Coolest Cat in Town September 9, 2018September 12, 2018admin Not too long after we came back to Canada, we had a little redhead adopt us .. and that was it. I was in love! keep gets better →
RV Royalty June 27, 2016September 18, 2017admin The animals ~ definitely the Kings & Queens of the coaches! Step #1 … ALWAYS keep their papers in order! When crossing borders it’s very important keep gets better →
OUCH! May 16, 2016September 18, 2017admin If your household is ANYTHING like mine, then first aid kits must be at the top of your ‘must have’ list. When we were about keep gets better →
Are you ready? May 5, 2016September 13, 2018admin Living on the West Coast of Canada, the topic of earthquakes comes up quite frequently. And as we know, the big one is coming, we keep gets better →
Disney World ‘ANIMAL KINGDOM’ February 11, 2013November 28, 2016admin Today … our last day in Disney World 🙂 ‘The Animal Kingdom’ ~ my favorite place of all !!!! What an experience 🙂 Today was keep gets better →
My Boo & Her Crew July 27, 2012April 1, 2015admin Since around 2006, Boo Boo has been a part of the family. No need to say it people …. YES, I am crazee !!! Every keep gets better →