EXPAT:101 March 27, 2018March 27, 2018admin From us to you, here are a few of our experiences and some of what we learned along the way 😉 When thinking about keep reading..it gets better →
The 2 Years That … December 1, 2014March 7, 2018admin … everyone said would destroy our son! When we started planning years ago to travel through the US states enroute to moving to Mexico … keep reading..it gets better →
One Week From Today March 7, 2013November 27, 2016admin So, here we are … driving back to Texas where we will stay a few days for final preparations and then (wait for it … keep reading..it gets better →
This Is Why December 16, 2012March 7, 2018admin As I sit here this morning, there are many who don’t know or understand why we’ve decided upon this journey we’re taking … so let keep reading..it gets better →